To express in clear understanding the mourning my heart feels is like asking me to jump the cliffs on the highest peak of your great creation. My life so small and so delicate, reflects not what the wishing well of my mind once envisioned. Oh Father I am so broken. My heart pours with sadness and great distain, Lord may bitterness flee at the site of your protecting grace.
I desire to hand you all that is broken. Father may you make much of what little I have. God my road map has been burnt; my desires have been shattered like a crystal vase falling from its mantel.
I know you restore, I know you love, may I never become numb to these truths. The novocain of this life strives to hide all the gifts placed within me, rob me of what is yours. Reality is so dry right now, a Sahara of confusion and emotional pains.
I can no longer try to figure this out, I don’t know the answers. God I asked months ago to be moved and brought closer to you. Father if pain and confusion are the tools in which you use, I am yours. I surrender all ambition; I surrender all my preconceived notions. Lord I am at a loss; I am a tender open and bleeding heart. Heal, mend, bring me peace, the peace that only comes with your presence.
I desire to hand you all that is broken. Father may you make much of what little I have. God my road map has been burnt; my desires have been shattered like a crystal vase falling from its mantel.
I know you restore, I know you love, may I never become numb to these truths. The novocain of this life strives to hide all the gifts placed within me, rob me of what is yours. Reality is so dry right now, a Sahara of confusion and emotional pains.
I can no longer try to figure this out, I don’t know the answers. God I asked months ago to be moved and brought closer to you. Father if pain and confusion are the tools in which you use, I am yours. I surrender all ambition; I surrender all my preconceived notions. Lord I am at a loss; I am a tender open and bleeding heart. Heal, mend, bring me peace, the peace that only comes with your presence.