Dear God,
This is a letter from a selfish heart.
Father I am broken before you as I am wrapped in m y 10x10 box administratively perfect with its florescent glow.
My soul creams for the streets below, my eyes fill with tears for those who are so needy.
You created me, so you know me best. Lord I am not a patient person, I am not one to wait on things to change; God I so desire passion here and now.
I hear from pulpits and books saying make the most out of the now. Lord the now is so draining and seems to lack such purpose.
God break me of what a life of purpose looks like in my mind. Lord I have lived a life full of dreams and aspirations, but now I feel those dreams pulling me into a dark place.
God may the reality of your purpose take center stage in my starlit thoughts. May I embrace You wherever You are in the here and now. You are my purpose oh God, You are my passion.Lord may I remember little hands that work hours on end and still manage to overflow with your passion.
God forgive my selfish heart. Lord may I remember it is never where I am that sustains me, but God it is who YOU are. You are MY GOD, You are ALMIGHTY, You are PASSION.... All of these things need not be found in menial tasks that validate my life, but by your presence that dwells within me. Change me OH God; envelop my inner being so that I may seek passion from within and not outward.
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