Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A Prayer

To express in clear understanding the mourning my heart feels is like asking me to jump the cliffs on the highest peak of your great creation. My life so small and so delicate, reflects not what the wishing well of my mind once envisioned. Oh Father I am so broken. My heart pours with sadness and great distain, Lord may bitterness flee at the site of your protecting grace.
I desire to hand you all that is broken. Father may you make much of what little I have. God my road map has been burnt; my desires have been shattered like a crystal vase falling from its mantel.
I know you restore, I know you love, may I never become numb to these truths. The novocain of this life strives to hide all the gifts placed within me, rob me of what is yours. Reality is so dry right now, a Sahara of confusion and emotional pains.
I can no longer try to figure this out, I don’t know the answers. God I asked months ago to be moved and brought closer to you. Father if pain and confusion are the tools in which you use, I am yours. I surrender all ambition; I surrender all my preconceived notions. Lord I am at a loss; I am a tender open and bleeding heart. Heal, mend, bring me peace, the peace that only comes with your presence.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

In My Quiet Time

What does it take to overflow with your love
What verse can I read, what action can I take
Give me
direction, point me your way.

be still

Father I’m here on my face.
I’ve danced the dance.
Lord I’m singing a new song.
I’m tired of complacency I want you to move me

be still

I’m hearing the Nations
I’m seeing the Children, the wives without a home
I’m feeling the earth groan beneath me

be still

I don’t understand, I’m perplexed and broken
Father I can ask no more
Lord where are you, what are you saying

be still

My legs can no longer walk in these circles
No longer can they dance these worship dances
My spirit and pride are now broken
Is this what you desire

Is this what You so please
I am useless I can no longer move….I am just here


Monday, March 30, 2009

Being Obedient in Not Knowing

Steady and strong, maintain the course. Never veer my child, never leave my path. The light is dim, but the destination is so bright. I wrap myself throughout your soul, an ever guiding pull.

Feel Me…Feel My Pull Beloved!

Obedience is what I am asking, Obedience, an outward expression of a Holy Love. Be submerged in all I have for you, release what you hold in your hands so small…Open your Mind, Spirit, and Body to receive all I have for you.

I am so confused Father, Peace has left and all I feel is burning, and confusion. I desire Obedience, but lack release. I desire abandonment, yet wrestle control. Freedom is an act I read of in fairy tales, man made visions that blur my perception of a reality with you.

Abandonment my child, dance with me in the wind, feel me in the heat of the sun. Freedom is nothing you obtain, but a gift so openly given. Stretch out your hands! Chains of control crumble and fall as ashes at your feet. When presented with my love, nothing unclean is able to stand! My glory is sufficient!

Surrender I give to the best of my ability, the smallness of all I have to offer I lay in a small heap at your feet. I surrender, to what I know not. I give all I can to a destiny you are painting day by day with heavenly brushstrokes on my heart!

See that what you give is so much more in my eyes than what you perceive it to be. You are blessing in my eyes, and Love is imprinted on the heart I created to beat! You are beauty; you are love, and your path will be revealed as you grow! Steadfast and strong all will be revealed in divine time!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Love and Honesty and Honestly Loving

One of the funniest quotes I think I have ever heard someone say is "I love them, but I'm just being honest". Generally this statement is followed by some terrible comment made about the person that is "loved". I know I'm guilty of this oximoron. It seems like it's so easy to be "honest" about someone when it comes to speaking with others, but when honesty is truly needed, it's absence is felt.
Over the past week God has really been opening my eyes to the things I say, and the motives, and reasons behind them being said. While life is amazing, and the world is a beautiful place, it seems as though my tounge has a way of finding everything that is unholy and ugly in the world. Sometimes I find myself justifying these words under the label of "honesty".
So where is the line between love and honesty and honestly loving? I find that when I don't merge the two there is always room for error. It seems like I want to blanket honest under a self serving self gratifying love.
Why do I say the things I say? Are the things I say a reflection of the love and honesty that has been shown to me? I mean, after all aren't I supposed to be a a direct reflection of the love and honesty that has been given to me.
Don't misundertsand me honesty is something that is greatly needed. Something that needs to used to it's fullest potential. I want to be honest about injustices, about my Lord and Savior, about my struggles and pains; and I want to love those who are on the journey along side of me. I want to honestly love them.
Jesus's life is an amazing example of the perfect mix between love and honesty. He was gritty, he was reveloutionary, he was down to earth, and he was madly in love with his Father, and He is madly and honestly in love with us!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Always Something on My Mind

Hello....And thank you for checking out my blog! I am learning slowly but surely that blogging is an amazing way to share what's on one's heart and mind. I will say a couple of my friends have inspired me to start my own blog, and I always have something on my heart and mind! I'm very excited about this blog, more so to hear from different people in relation to well....everything!

I truly believe life is an amazing beautiful journey, and when we open our eyes to the beauty another may see it enhances our outlook on life. I believe our creator gave us an amazing gift if being able to cherish his creation, and all that is within it. You know those people who always say "well look at the bright side"? I truly believe to do that is a God given gift!

So again I am so excited, and can't wait to enhance my outlook on the beauty of this thing called life with you!