Thursday, January 29, 2009

Love and Honesty and Honestly Loving

One of the funniest quotes I think I have ever heard someone say is "I love them, but I'm just being honest". Generally this statement is followed by some terrible comment made about the person that is "loved". I know I'm guilty of this oximoron. It seems like it's so easy to be "honest" about someone when it comes to speaking with others, but when honesty is truly needed, it's absence is felt.
Over the past week God has really been opening my eyes to the things I say, and the motives, and reasons behind them being said. While life is amazing, and the world is a beautiful place, it seems as though my tounge has a way of finding everything that is unholy and ugly in the world. Sometimes I find myself justifying these words under the label of "honesty".
So where is the line between love and honesty and honestly loving? I find that when I don't merge the two there is always room for error. It seems like I want to blanket honest under a self serving self gratifying love.
Why do I say the things I say? Are the things I say a reflection of the love and honesty that has been shown to me? I mean, after all aren't I supposed to be a a direct reflection of the love and honesty that has been given to me.
Don't misundertsand me honesty is something that is greatly needed. Something that needs to used to it's fullest potential. I want to be honest about injustices, about my Lord and Savior, about my struggles and pains; and I want to love those who are on the journey along side of me. I want to honestly love them.
Jesus's life is an amazing example of the perfect mix between love and honesty. He was gritty, he was reveloutionary, he was down to earth, and he was madly in love with his Father, and He is madly and honestly in love with us!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Always Something on My Mind

Hello....And thank you for checking out my blog! I am learning slowly but surely that blogging is an amazing way to share what's on one's heart and mind. I will say a couple of my friends have inspired me to start my own blog, and I always have something on my heart and mind! I'm very excited about this blog, more so to hear from different people in relation to well....everything!

I truly believe life is an amazing beautiful journey, and when we open our eyes to the beauty another may see it enhances our outlook on life. I believe our creator gave us an amazing gift if being able to cherish his creation, and all that is within it. You know those people who always say "well look at the bright side"? I truly believe to do that is a God given gift!

So again I am so excited, and can't wait to enhance my outlook on the beauty of this thing called life with you!